All about chakras, which essential oils to use with chakras and how to use them
Chakras - oil and crystals pairing with chakras
See which oils and crystals to use with chakras. This video is from the "Crystals and Oils" webinar.
Chakras - oil and crystals pairing with chakras - Handouts
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Handouts for the video "Chakras - oil and crystals pairing with chakras"
Many Chakra Oils to choose from
Many oils to choose from for chakras
Which oils to choose for emotions and chakras
Essential oils and the subtle energy body
The 4 Steps for Balancing the Chakras
Recommended to do a Valor Balance before Chakra Balancing
How to test the chakras with a pendulum
Chakra Balance Demonstration
Why do the Chakras need to be balanced
Understanding chakras and the subtle energy body
The 7 Chakras and their meanings
Subtle energy bodies